Welcome to Year 5!


Teachers: Miss Hall, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Grout            Support Staff: Mrs Evans, Miss Gillyon

Key messages

Year 5 at primary school is an exciting and interesting year that sees the children grow in confidence and independence. We aim for them to enjoy all subjects equally and to achieve and fulfil their potential. Parental support is essential in motivating and engaging children with their learning. With this is mind, we ask you to support us in the following:

  • Ensuring that children read at least four times weekly
  • Ensuring that the children complete homework tasks including TTRS and Reading Plus. 
  • Ensuring that children come to school with the items they need for that day such as: PE kit, reading bookmarks and any letters that need to be returned
  • Regularly checking your emails as we no longer send paper letters home

Year Group Curriculum Information

Here you can download our long-term plans and knowledge organisers to find out what we will be learning about in school this year.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

This year, our topics are:

  • There's No Place Like Hull  where we will learn all about the history of Hull Fair and create our very own fairground rides.
  • Vicious Vikings where we will investigate what life was like in the Viking era.
  • Pharaohs where we will discover what life was like in Ancient Egypt.

If you have any further questions or need support, advice or guidance on how you can help your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the class email addresses: pullman@anlabyp.co.uk and earle@anlabyp.co.uk