Geography Intent Statement
Geography teaches an understanding of place and environments. Through the Geography curriculum at Anlaby Primary School, children learn about their local area as well as other regions in the UK and the wider world. We aim to inspire pupils with a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Through our cross-curricular approach to teaching geography, we aim to give children an understanding of their place in the world and how life in the UK differs to more diverse areas. We believe it is essential that children have a basic grasp of place knowledge such as: locating continents, countries, capital cities, oceans and rivers. By revisiting areas of learning regularly, children will know more and remember more. In addition, a focus of our curriculum is the human and physical geography of specific places linked to topics and how they compare to the UK. As pupils progress through school, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding in order for them to apply their skills when making meaningful links with other subjects. We want give our children opportunities for practical geography such as map skills and fieldwork studies.
Year 4 Long Term Plan
Geography Intent Statement
Geography teaches an understanding of place and environments. Through the Geography curriculum at Anlaby Primary School, children learn about their local area as well as other regions in the UK and the wider world. We aim to inspire pupils with a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Through our cross-curricular approach to teaching geography, we aim to give children an understanding of their place in the world and how life in the UK differs to more diverse areas. We believe it is essential that children have a basic grasp of place knowledge such as: locating continents, countries, capital cities, oceans and rivers. By revisiting areas of learning regularly, children will know more and remember more. In addition, a focus of our curriculum is the human and physical geography of specific places linked to topics and how they compare to the UK. As pupils progress through school, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding in order for them to apply their skills when making meaningful links with other subjects. We want give our children opportunities for practical geography such as map skills and fieldwork studies.
Year 4 Long Term Plan