Anlaby Primary School Vision

At Anlaby Primary School we believe that being successful comes from being happy and feeling safe, in a stimulating environment where everyone can learn and feel valued. We intend that all children enjoy their learning, become independent lifelong learners, and achieve their potential. The children should be at the centre of everything we do. We aim tok use our three simple rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe so our children can be Ambitious, Proud and Successful!

We believe that education and learning should take place in a fully inclusive environment that recognises the challenges that some children face.  We promote British Values by incorporating them in to our everyday organisation.

We want Anlaby Primary School to be a place where;

  • Everyone is proud to be associated with our school
  • Everyone feels valued and respected
  • Learning and teaching are at the heart of what we do
  • Staff believe raising attainment is everyone’s responsibility
  • We are creative and inspire learning through the use of imaginative learning styles and approaches
  • We work as a team for the benefit of the children
  • Our parents support us and engage with their children’s learning
  • We have high expectations for everyone; children, parents, staff, and governors
  • Everyone has a positive attitude to feedback
  • Everyone feels part of the Anlaby team
  • Hard work is rewarded


We aim to develop children who;

  • Feel proud of what they have achieved
  • ARe ambitious to succeed to greater things
  • Recognise success, and show great progress in all our endeavours
  • Respect each other and take responsibility for their behaviour
  • Think positively
  • Think for themselves, show initiative, are open minded and have a love of learning
  • Are rounded individuals who possess the skills of empathy, resilience and effective organisation
  • Will reach their potential no matter their starting points


Our Ethos, Curriculum, Working Practices and Environment will achieve these aims because;

  • Respect is the cornerstone of our school
  • We value all children as individuals, raise self-esteem and create a positive atmosphere through our interventions with the children and each other
  • We have a broad, balanced and creative curriculum with opportunities for first-hand experiences.
  • SATs are important but so is the development of the whole child through the arts, PSHCE, RE, and striving to be a healthy school
  • We have a dedicated and professional team who work for the positive development of our children. Staff will be open, honest and supportive of each other, setting positive examples to the children in everything they do.
  • Our learning environment, inside and outside the classroom, will be attractive, calm, ordered, safe, tidy, bright, colourful, and stimulating
  • We will celebrate the achievements of children
  • We will develop positive relationships with parents, as well as the wider local community.
  • We will support children in developing British Values to prepare them for life in 21st-century Britain.

Anlaby Primary School Vision

At Anlaby Primary School we believe that being successful comes from being happy and feeling safe, in a stimulating environment where everyone can learn and feel valued. We intend that all children enjoy their learning, become independent lifelong learners, and achieve their potential. The children should be at the centre of everything we do. We aim tok use our three simple rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe so our children can be Ambitious, Proud and Successful!

We believe that education and learning should take place in a fully inclusive environment that recognises the challenges that some children face.  We promote British Values by incorporating them in to our everyday organisation.

We want Anlaby Primary School to be a place where;

  • Everyone is proud to be associated with our school
  • Everyone feels valued and respected
  • Learning and teaching are at the heart of what we do
  • Staff believe raising attainment is everyone’s responsibility
  • We are creative and inspire learning through the use of imaginative learning styles and approaches
  • We work as a team for the benefit of the children
  • Our parents support us and engage with their children’s learning
  • We have high expectations for everyone; children, parents, staff, and governors
  • Everyone has a positive attitude to feedback
  • Everyone feels part of the Anlaby team
  • Hard work is rewarded


We aim to develop children who;

  • Feel proud of what they have achieved
  • ARe ambitious to succeed to greater things
  • Recognise success, and show great progress in all our endeavours
  • Respect each other and take responsibility for their behaviour
  • Think positively
  • Think for themselves, show initiative, are open minded and have a love of learning
  • Are rounded individuals who possess the skills of empathy, resilience and effective organisation
  • Will reach their potential no matter their starting points


Our Ethos, Curriculum, Working Practices and Environment will achieve these aims because;

  • Respect is the cornerstone of our school
  • We value all children as individuals, raise self-esteem and create a positive atmosphere through our interventions with the children and each other
  • We have a broad, balanced and creative curriculum with opportunities for first-hand experiences.
  • SATs are important but so is the development of the whole child through the arts, PSHCE, RE, and striving to be a healthy school
  • We have a dedicated and professional team who work for the positive development of our children. Staff will be open, honest and supportive of each other, setting positive examples to the children in everything they do.
  • Our learning environment, inside and outside the classroom, will be attractive, calm, ordered, safe, tidy, bright, colourful, and stimulating
  • We will celebrate the achievements of children
  • We will develop positive relationships with parents, as well as the wider local community.
  • We will support children in developing British Values to prepare them for life in 21st-century Britain.