
Science Intent Statement

At Anlaby, we recognise that science is a core subject within the National Curriculum. We aim to deliver a broad, well-structured science curriculum that allows children to build on their prior learning in order to know more and remember more. We want our science curriculum to ignite and inspire curiosity and wonder in our children and to give them the opportunities to collaborate effectively and to work practically as often as possible. Through teaching and modelling, we hope our children will gain a rich bank of scientific vocabulary, which will allow them to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and to analyse causes. We hope to raise the aspirations of our children through linking science to real-life and learning about real scientists.




Science Documentation

Science Week

Science week section –  During Science Week 2023, our topic was, ‘connections.’ Lab Racals came to visit and every child in the school took part in a few different experiments involving dry ice.

It was a fantastic experience for the children and the adults! We had a whole school science investigation on the effects of different drinks on teeth. The children made a prediction of which drink would cause the most decay and then we observed and discussed, Redbull caused the most decay!

Throughout the week the children took part in different science lessons linking to the national topic, ‘connections,’ a few classes investigated fingerprints and how we are all unique!

We finished the week with the children all dressing as a job that uses science, we had bakers, hairdressers, doctors, zoologists and much more!

Thank you to the children who took part in the ‘Science Selfie,’ it was lovely to see all of your science fun at home, we hope you enjoyed your prize. What a fantastic week celebrating British Science Week!



Science Intent Statement

At Anlaby, we recognise that science is a core subject within the National Curriculum. We aim to deliver a broad, well-structured science curriculum that allows children to build on their prior learning in order to know more and remember more. We want our science curriculum to ignite and inspire curiosity and wonder in our children and to give them the opportunities to collaborate effectively and to work practically as often as possible. Through teaching and modelling, we hope our children will gain a rich bank of scientific vocabulary, which will allow them to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and to analyse causes. We hope to raise the aspirations of our children through linking science to real-life and learning about real scientists.




Science Documentation

Science Week

Science week section –  During Science Week 2023, our topic was, ‘connections.’ Lab Racals came to visit and every child in the school took part in a few different experiments involving dry ice.

It was a fantastic experience for the children and the adults! We had a whole school science investigation on the effects of different drinks on teeth. The children made a prediction of which drink would cause the most decay and then we observed and discussed, Redbull caused the most decay!

Throughout the week the children took part in different science lessons linking to the national topic, ‘connections,’ a few classes investigated fingerprints and how we are all unique!

We finished the week with the children all dressing as a job that uses science, we had bakers, hairdressers, doctors, zoologists and much more!

Thank you to the children who took part in the ‘Science Selfie,’ it was lovely to see all of your science fun at home, we hope you enjoyed your prize. What a fantastic week celebrating British Science Week!