Welcome to Year 2!


Teachers: Mrs Richards, Mr Chattaway       

Support Staff: Mrs Stephenson 

Key messages

We aim to provide rich learning experiences that allow every child to master basic skills, discover and develop talents, deepen interests and be resilient. Parental support is essential in motivating and engaging children with their learning. With this is mind, we ask you to support us in the following

  • Ensuring that children read at least four times weekly
  • Ensuring that children come to school with the items they need for that day such as: PE kit, reading bookmarks, any letters that need to be returned and a school bag
  • Regularly checking your emails as we no longer send paper letters home

Year Group Curriculum Information

Here you can download our long-term plans and knowledge organisers to find out what we will be learning about in school this year.

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

This year, our topics are:

  • Magnificent Monarchs where we will learn about kings and queens from AD 871 to the present day and consider how the power of the monarchy has changed over time
  • Our Wonderful World where we learn how to identify geographical regions, features and climates. We will find out about people who have made significant contributions in finding out about our world.
  • Wriggle and Crawl where we will learn about mini-beasts and investigate what habitats they need to survive. We will complete life cycles and food chains.

As part of out teaching of reading in Year 2, we use the Read, Write Inc phonics scheme. If you want any more information please click on the image below;

If you have any further questions or need support, advice or guidance on how you can help your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the class email addresses: ahlberg@anlabyp.co.uk or potter@anlabyp.co.uk