
History Intent Statement

At Anlaby Primary school, we aim to deliver a high-quality history education that enables our children to gain a coherent understanding of our local heritage, Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Through our carefully planned history curriculum, we hope to inspire children’s curiosity to learn more about the past. We want our children to have a chronological understanding of the periods studied in school and to ask perceptive questions about what they are learning. We encourage our children to think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. We strive to ensure that meaningful links are made between history and other subjects to enable children to learn and remember more. The purpose of all of our history topics is to help our children to understand the process of change over time and significant developments within their lifetime and beyond. We aim to give our children opportunities for enrichment within the subject through memorable experience days, visitors into school and school trips.


History Intent Statement

At Anlaby Primary school, we aim to deliver a high-quality history education that enables our children to gain a coherent understanding of our local heritage, Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Through our carefully planned history curriculum, we hope to inspire children’s curiosity to learn more about the past. We want our children to have a chronological understanding of the periods studied in school and to ask perceptive questions about what they are learning. We encourage our children to think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. We strive to ensure that meaningful links are made between history and other subjects to enable children to learn and remember more. The purpose of all of our history topics is to help our children to understand the process of change over time and significant developments within their lifetime and beyond. We aim to give our children opportunities for enrichment within the subject through memorable experience days, visitors into school and school trips.