Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

We are made up of two classes – Team Walliams and Team Pullman

Our aim is to ensure that every child receives high-quality, engaging learning experiences that support their academic learning and social development. We encourage our children to be independent learners by providing them with opportunities to think for themselves and collaborate with their peers. We want the children to be proud of their school and their year group teams understanding that every pupil has a different life- experiences, interests and strengths which will help to both enrich and challenge everyone’s understanding of the world around them.


Meet the Team

Miss Hall – Class teacher of Team Walliams

Mr Brannigan – Class teacher of Team Pullman


What we will be Learning this Year:

Autumn 1

Our topic is 'Stargazers'. To begin this unit of work the children will listen to Gustav Holst, 'The Planets'. They will investigate the eight planets- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and create mnemonics to help them remember their order. They will take a look at the moon that orbits Earth and create moonscape textile sample using stitching techniques. We will investigate gravity ....and what happens when there is none. In History the children will research significant individuals and events that have changed our understanding of our Solar system (Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton).Within our English work we will have opportunities to write Biographies: Poetry, Newspaper Reports, diary entries and Science Fiction inspired descriptions.To complete this unit of work, each child will be invited to become a Space Engineer and design and test a capsule for space travel (Eggnaut challenge). Then it's three, two one .......Blast off!

Image result for Rocket clipart

Autumn 2

Our topic is 'Alchemy Island'. We are going on a magical journey to Alchemy Island, to find gold hidden deep within the island's mysterious landscape. The only way is to study the map and unravel the riddle to this adventure. The children will learn about gold and try to impress the island's 'alchemists'. In English the children will write  Non-chronological reports, different forms of poetry and descriptive writing based around our class book 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. In Art, we will be creating our own paintings in the style of 'The Great Wave'. As we work scientifically, we will find out about the properties of and changes to materials. As we journey across the island we will develop our knowledge of electrical circuits as we try to complete the adventure. Let the journey begin...

Spring 1+ 2

Our topic is ‘Pharaohs’. To begin this unit of work, the children will be invited to watch a live silhouette embalming demonstration expertly performed by one of our skilled embalmers. We will then travel back 5000 years to the dusty realms of ancient Egypt, cruise along the Nile and enter a world of mysteries, curses, mummies and kings. The children will unravel secrets of ancient tombs, using a range of historical resources and age-old artefacts. In English, the children will have opportunities to write Chronological reports, Fact files, Mystery stories, Play scripts and develop their research skills.  To conclude this unit of work, each child will become an apprentice and work for Ramose who is the chief embalmer at the Beautiful house. It will be their job to work collaboratively, as a team, to help him prepare a body for its journey to the afterlife.


Summer 1

Anlaby Allotment

Let’s grow! A crispy carrot, a luscious lettuce or a tasty tomato. Did deep and put your back into it, making your own tubs and planters and nurturing your greens.

To plant the seed of excitement for our new topic, Team 5 will take part in a ‘Welly Wednesday’ experience, allowing  the children to become gardeners for the day, removing weeds, digging allotment plots and planting seeds… seeds…. and more seeds.

Throughout the unit, the children will harvest their crops and have opportunities to design and make their own salads and other tasty treats – delicious! In Science, the children will learn all about the life-cycle of plants including the opportunity to dissect a flowering plant. As well as this, they will plan and carry out fair tests in-order to explore which conditions are the best for seeds to grow successfully.  

We hope that the children catch the gardening-bug and are inspired to get creative in their own gardens.  

Summer 2

Off with Her Head!        

What sort of man would order the beheading of his wife? Was she really.....that bad?

Team 5 are going to travel back in time to the 1500's to meet the terrifying Tudors, a domineering dynasty that changed our history. They will have the opportunity to discover an opulent court where dancing and singing goes hand in hand with swift falls from favour and even swifter falling of HEADS!!

In Art the children will have the opportunity to develop their painting skills to create some fantastic Tudor art. As well as this, they will flex their detective muscles to solve riddles and become criminal investigators:  Will we find the facts? Will the evidence from the past bemuse us?  Will we judge the accused.... innocent or guilty? 

To conclude this unit of work, the children will have the opportunity to take part in one of the most famous trials the world has ever know!